i realize that almost all the time i like to use '~' hehehe
ok!...today kuden mengidam laksa penang..and i also vote for it..i don't like laksa lemak but mak selalu buat laksa lemak instead of laksa penang.
its super duper delicious!the spices, flavor, i like all of it. dan saya makan 2 mangkuk..hehehe
when i eat laksa penang, i will always make the bowl clean. nothing is left out. people dont eat daun kesum and bunga kantan.they just used it untuk ambil bau die,its not the same like the "vegetable in the soup"...i don't care, ijust eat them..thehehe
then im curious, i asked mr google " khasiat bunga kantan "
kebanyakan digunakan untuk luaran seperti untuk mengurangkan bau hanyir badan. rizomnye untuk buang angin selepas bersalin...(hahahaha)
oh...ianya untuk awet muda juge..hehe
daun kesum pulak untuk ubat panau...hahahahaha
p/s : gambar laksa penang tidak diambil
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
saya gile tudung!
mak cakap, kalau nak jimat tak payah la beli tudung banyak sangat!pakai je tudung yang mana ade.kat dalam almari mak tu banyak dah tudung..tak payah la beli..
aku : tapi mak...nak pakai tudung sarung..senang..tak payah nk iron..cepat pulak tu...
mak : tak payah...membazir je!kate awak tu kedekut!~
aku : memangla saye kedekut..tapi....
mak : pakai je hitam putih selang hari kalau malas iron tudung bawal tu....
aku : tapi mak...nak pakai tudung sarung..senang..tak payah nk iron..cepat pulak tu...
mak : tak payah...membazir je!kate awak tu kedekut!~
aku : memangla saye kedekut..tapi....
mak : pakai je hitam putih selang hari kalau malas iron tudung bawal tu....
mee bandung!~
i love mee bandung.the most delicious is at .. i can't remember the restaurant's name but it is in muar with Syira's family (one of my best friend). i like the taste..telur,udang dan kuah..yummay!~
and today my family and i have mee bandung for dinner!(pelik kah?)
but then, eventhough i like mee bandung, i throw up after eating the whole bowl of mee bandung..almost all the time after eating it...sayang..hehehe?..not because im full okay..hurm..
here's the picture of mee bandung..

actually this is not the one that we have for dinner..i dont take the picture of it..hahaha..just take it from the website...=pp
and today my family and i have mee bandung for dinner!(pelik kah?)
but then, eventhough i like mee bandung, i throw up after eating the whole bowl of mee bandung..almost all the time after eating it...sayang..hehehe?..not because im full okay..hurm..
here's the picture of mee bandung..

actually this is not the one that we have for dinner..i dont take the picture of it..hahaha..just take it from the website...=pp
who has only one password for all accounts?
a lot of people are at risk of falling victim to internet fraud because they use exactly the same password every time they go online.many people admit to using use easy-to-guess passwords, such as memorable dates, the names of their children or pets and share them with partners, friends and colleagues.
But with a big increase in phishing and smishing attacks and malicious software, where fraudsters try to gain access to consumers' bank account details, passwords and PIN numbers, the use of inappropriate and insecure passwords is putting us at risk from identity fraud and other forms of criminal activity.
i used to have the same password in every account so that its easy for me to reg or memorize them. then i change it but not all. I prefer to keep the passwords also different between business and personal.(business ke?..em..em privacy la kot..=pp)
a lot of people are at risk of falling victim to internet fraud because they use exactly the same password every time they go online.many people admit to using use easy-to-guess passwords, such as memorable dates, the names of their children or pets and share them with partners, friends and colleagues.
But with a big increase in phishing and smishing attacks and malicious software, where fraudsters try to gain access to consumers' bank account details, passwords and PIN numbers, the use of inappropriate and insecure passwords is putting us at risk from identity fraud and other forms of criminal activity.
i used to have the same password in every account so that its easy for me to reg or memorize them. then i change it but not all. I prefer to keep the passwords also different between business and personal.(business ke?..em..em privacy la kot..=pp)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
the more i think.the more confused i get...
i should stop thinking and trust to Allah...put my trust on him and just be myself.take my own path.do the best,the very best i could...
i try to think the pros and con to make my own decision for my future. its a little tiny thing then i messed up cause it involve many people in this problem, i mean my dilemma.its getting worse and i don't know how to fix it... i really don't know how to make it right..
I'm sorry...i'm trully sorry....i should just let it happen..
yaAllah..permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini...berikanlah apa yang terbaik,semoga aku dapat membuat keputusan yang terbaik..
amin ya rab
i try to think the pros and con to make my own decision for my future. its a little tiny thing then i messed up cause it involve many people in this problem, i mean my dilemma.its getting worse and i don't know how to fix it... i really don't know how to make it right..
I'm sorry...i'm trully sorry....i should just let it happen..
yaAllah..permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini...berikanlah apa yang terbaik,semoga aku dapat membuat keputusan yang terbaik..
amin ya rab
Monday, December 13, 2010
tudung online!~
baru je blogwalking tudung2 syria XL..
mahal...tak de ke yang murah~~~
oh...sebagai customer...hehe..ade pesanan untuk penjual2 tudung online yang gune khidmat patung.
in my opinion, rupa,bentuk muka patung are a very important factors that can influence us to buy the tudung..i mean,xtermasuk prices,corak and etc la...
tak caye?...tengok yep
yg ni

vs ni

patung mn cantik?hehe
tapi betul..influence customer jgak...
mahal...tak de ke yang murah~~~
oh...sebagai customer...hehe..ade pesanan untuk penjual2 tudung online yang gune khidmat patung.
in my opinion, rupa,bentuk muka patung are a very important factors that can influence us to buy the tudung..i mean,xtermasuk prices,corak and etc la...
tak caye?...tengok yep
yg ni

vs ni
patung mn cantik?hehe
tapi betul..influence customer jgak...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
the amazing race asia
i like challenge.maybe the main reason why i am so interested in amazing race is, a chance to do all the adventures and challenging game like skiing, surfing and of course i can travel all around the world~
tapi aku susah nak bace map and kat kampung sendiri pun sesat...haha
but one thing, macam mana ida nerina dengan khairil or maybe other muslims yang join amazing race......?
tapi aku susah nak bace map and kat kampung sendiri pun sesat...haha
but one thing, macam mana ida nerina dengan khairil or maybe other muslims yang join amazing race......?
tipu kalau nak cakap aku takde jerawat.tapi takla sebanyak ni.kalau ala2 nak merebak tu aku stop gune facial foam pakai basuh macam tu je...air wudhuk...cewah...lepas tu alhamdulillah hilang
tapi ni.......
makin banyak...parut jerawat,jerawat...seme ade...
g farmasi nak beli ubat jerawat,akak tu offer beli blackmores...tapi last2 aku beli oxy je...
okay.aku check tips to prevent acne :
1.eat balance diet
-hari2 aku makan buah banyak2,minum low fat milk,dan yang tak berlemak
2.drink 8 glass of water per day
-banyak kali jugak aku refill botol air aku,walaupun kat rumah still pakai botol air.
3.try a supplement containing zinc
-err...yg ni tak...sebab tak amek mana2 suppliment pun
4.Wash your skin regularly
-da lebih 5 kali sehari
5.Stress management is important to help prevent hormonal imbalances.
-stess duk umah goyang kaki yep?
5.Exercise at least three times a week to help promote clearance of toxins from the skin and lymph nodes and to promote hormone clearance.
-at least 3 times a week kan?...da da..jog dan jalan naik bukit..hehehe
4 out of 5...ok la tu!
ahhh...nanti nak beli la blackmores tu.....
Blackmores Skin Support - Pimple and Acne Control Formula
Specially formulated to help manage pimples and acne from the inside. With betacarotene (as an antioxidant and for healthy skin tissue), zinc (a mineral with a vital role in maintaining healthy skin) plus the healing and the antibacterial herbs echinacea and calendula to treat pimples and ance.
Features and benefits
* Contains betacarotene to help promote the growth and repair of tissue and help maintain optimum skin health
* Contains zinc to help with skin healing and tissue repair.
* Contains echinacea and calendula which have healing and antibacterial properties to help improve skin condition
kan da copy paste!haha
tapi ni.......
makin banyak...parut jerawat,jerawat...seme ade...
g farmasi nak beli ubat jerawat,akak tu offer beli blackmores...tapi last2 aku beli oxy je...
okay.aku check tips to prevent acne :
1.eat balance diet
-hari2 aku makan buah banyak2,minum low fat milk,dan yang tak berlemak
2.drink 8 glass of water per day
-banyak kali jugak aku refill botol air aku,walaupun kat rumah still pakai botol air.
3.try a supplement containing zinc
-err...yg ni tak...sebab tak amek mana2 suppliment pun
4.Wash your skin regularly
-da lebih 5 kali sehari
5.Stress management is important to help prevent hormonal imbalances.
-stess duk umah goyang kaki yep?
5.Exercise at least three times a week to help promote clearance of toxins from the skin and lymph nodes and to promote hormone clearance.
-at least 3 times a week kan?...da da..jog dan jalan naik bukit..hehehe
4 out of 5...ok la tu!
ahhh...nanti nak beli la blackmores tu.....
Blackmores Skin Support - Pimple and Acne Control Formula
Specially formulated to help manage pimples and acne from the inside. With betacarotene (as an antioxidant and for healthy skin tissue), zinc (a mineral with a vital role in maintaining healthy skin) plus the healing and the antibacterial herbs echinacea and calendula to treat pimples and ance.
Features and benefits
* Contains betacarotene to help promote the growth and repair of tissue and help maintain optimum skin health
* Contains zinc to help with skin healing and tissue repair.
* Contains echinacea and calendula which have healing and antibacterial properties to help improve skin condition
kan da copy paste!haha
Friday, December 10, 2010
jus epal susu
seyes xsedap!hahahahahaha
memandai gatal sangat tengah2 malam buta nk wat jus konon nak selamatkan epal yang da nak buruk...eheee
membazir je susu low fat yang sedap tu!wuuu wuuu
lagi sedap minum susu begitu saje!~(saye suke minum susu!~~~)
pastu konon leh fix,tambah honey la konon...
(sorok jus tu from mak....nak buang membazir sangat..so terpaksa la minum jus epal tu pagi2 sambil tutup hidung...T.T)
memandai gatal sangat tengah2 malam buta nk wat jus konon nak selamatkan epal yang da nak buruk...eheee
membazir je susu low fat yang sedap tu!wuuu wuuu
lagi sedap minum susu begitu saje!~(saye suke minum susu!~~~)
pastu konon leh fix,tambah honey la konon...
(sorok jus tu from mak....nak buang membazir sangat..so terpaksa la minum jus epal tu pagi2 sambil tutup hidung...T.T)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
pujuk memujuk...
elele...lain orang lain cara pujuknya..ade orang suka kalau bila dia bersedih,dia nak orang menemaninya dan menangis bersama...dan ade orang plak,bila bersedih,die nak ade orang menemaninya dan buat die ketawa...dan ade orang plak,bila bersedih die jauhkan diri,sampai la die rasa ok..pastu back to normal...menarik kan cara masing2 nak tenangkan diri.huhuhu
untuk orang yang ego atau jenis cakap lepas/direct untuk sound orang (mungkin orang yang bersedih tu xsepatutnye bersedih/bende tu remeh temeh sangat/salah die/pe hal?)go on tapi end up with puji kebaikan die..sket sket..even kebaikan yang kecciiikk sangat,tapi tetap kebaikan kan?,atau...joking around but the message is there.contoh kecik :
-cik jah gelakkan aku,die cakap muke aku byk jerawat,hodoh...(nanges2)
-da memang banyakkan?cube tengok cermin tu kire sendiri ade bape..hehehe..tapi ko putih,muke ko bujur sirih..lawo..cube ko compare ngan cik jah tu mane lawo..
tak de la orang tu sakit hati sangat,we are telling them a truth but then we give them a spirit..hahaha
kalo ego,keep it on contoh kecik jugak :
-aku nak g sgt oversea..seyes...wuuwuuu (tak pasal2 nanges)
-aku da round dunia da..da bosan sgt da...bla bla bla...tapi rilex ar wey,mn tau kang nanti jadi tetamu Allah dapat pegi mekah..lagi best dari round dunia
kan sejuk jugak hati...janganla ego memanjang
dulu2, (dan sekarang juge) kalau aku bersedih,aku nak ade orang (yang takde kaitan dengan kisah kesedihan aku)teman aku and having fun..trying to forget the sadness,pray to God,sleep and have a brand new day tomorrow..dan kadang2 with the spirit of kindness from kawan2,(cause they reaally make my day) i automatically forget about what really happened and if its involve a person,i forgive them...but unfortunately,its temporary...ahahahahaha
and i dont express my feeling face to face...happy gile,nanges dpn2..no hoo..i write okay...
aahh...i miss my good friends...feels like want to hug n kiss them...hug them tightly..hiyaahhh
untuk orang yang ego atau jenis cakap lepas/direct untuk sound orang (mungkin orang yang bersedih tu xsepatutnye bersedih/bende tu remeh temeh sangat/salah die/pe hal?)go on tapi end up with puji kebaikan die..sket sket..even kebaikan yang kecciiikk sangat,tapi tetap kebaikan kan?,atau...joking around but the message is there.contoh kecik :
-cik jah gelakkan aku,die cakap muke aku byk jerawat,hodoh...(nanges2)
-da memang banyakkan?cube tengok cermin tu kire sendiri ade bape..hehehe..tapi ko putih,muke ko bujur sirih..lawo..cube ko compare ngan cik jah tu mane lawo..
tak de la orang tu sakit hati sangat,we are telling them a truth but then we give them a spirit..hahaha
kalo ego,keep it on contoh kecik jugak :
-aku nak g sgt oversea..seyes...wuuwuuu (tak pasal2 nanges)
-aku da round dunia da..da bosan sgt da...bla bla bla...tapi rilex ar wey,mn tau kang nanti jadi tetamu Allah dapat pegi mekah..lagi best dari round dunia
kan sejuk jugak hati...janganla ego memanjang
dulu2, (dan sekarang juge) kalau aku bersedih,aku nak ade orang (yang takde kaitan dengan kisah kesedihan aku)teman aku and having fun..trying to forget the sadness,pray to God,sleep and have a brand new day tomorrow..dan kadang2 with the spirit of kindness from kawan2,(cause they reaally make my day) i automatically forget about what really happened and if its involve a person,i forgive them...but unfortunately,its temporary...ahahahahaha
and i dont express my feeling face to face...happy gile,nanges dpn2..no hoo..i write okay...
aahh...i miss my good friends...feels like want to hug n kiss them...hug them tightly..hiyaahhh
result dah kuar...nasib baek tengok awal2.laju je line.hehe
my result is great and i satisfy with that. but then bila check subject...ya Allah math B+...i rather get B+ for etr and A for math...can i switch them?hehehe...aku bukan jenis orang yang suke letak target tinggi2 sebab nanti bila dapat kurang daripada yang ditarget aku jadi down..same case here..aku TER letak target tu tinggi...i really expect that my math is A..i love math,i do math when im bored...(ok...ini tipu)..memang lepas tu rase macam....hatiku dirobek2..hahahaha..tambah2 member2 aku seme dapat A,A-...i mean...i happy for them but....ok..ok..muhasabah diri yep.sujud syukur!banyak kali sangat2 Allah makbulkan doa aku...alhamdulillah..1 subject tu je kot.project phy A..much2 tougher than math kan~..hee..i know i can do it much better next time..insyaAllah..dan syukur sangat2...Allah makbulkan 1 lagi doa aku...untuk buat mak abah parents yang paling bahagia ms convocation nanti..=)
my result is great and i satisfy with that. but then bila check subject...ya Allah math B+...i rather get B+ for etr and A for math...can i switch them?hehehe...aku bukan jenis orang yang suke letak target tinggi2 sebab nanti bila dapat kurang daripada yang ditarget aku jadi down..same case here..aku TER letak target tu tinggi...i really expect that my math is A..i love math,i do math when im bored...(ok...ini tipu)..memang lepas tu rase macam....hatiku dirobek2..hahahaha..tambah2 member2 aku seme dapat A,A-...i mean...i happy for them but....ok..ok..muhasabah diri yep.sujud syukur!banyak kali sangat2 Allah makbulkan doa aku...alhamdulillah..1 subject tu je kot.project phy A..much2 tougher than math kan~..hee..i know i can do it much better next time..insyaAllah..dan syukur sangat2...Allah makbulkan 1 lagi doa aku...untuk buat mak abah parents yang paling bahagia ms convocation nanti..=)
Monday, December 6, 2010
me and the cockroach!
do not walk in the dark!=p
i accidentally step on cockroach.. i know...gross..tapi kesian lipas tu!baru je nak switch on lampu,kemudian ----- ..sket je pijak..tapi cukup untuk tahee keluar...urghh..lepas pijak rase cam pelik..tapi macam dah agak dah tu lipas,awal2 automatically cakap "ya Allah,sorry...sorry....i know its you...sorry...."...hahaha...ingat die da mati,so pegi la amek penyapu dengan penyodok nak buang mayat tu,tiba2 die masih hidup!..saye ta nak menyeksa,dengan kesakitan dalaman tu,impak yang dikenakan...aahh...sayu sekali mengenang liku hidup yang akan dilalui lipas tersebut...tapi spray xjumpe!...lipas tu lari dengan tangkas...
p/s : wahh...post tentang lipas yang tahee nye terkeluar!~....sweet!
i accidentally step on cockroach.. i know...gross..tapi kesian lipas tu!baru je nak switch on lampu,kemudian ----- ..sket je pijak..tapi cukup untuk tahee keluar...urghh..lepas pijak rase cam pelik..tapi macam dah agak dah tu lipas,awal2 automatically cakap "ya Allah,sorry...sorry....i know its you...sorry...."...hahaha...ingat die da mati,so pegi la amek penyapu dengan penyodok nak buang mayat tu,tiba2 die masih hidup!..saye ta nak menyeksa,dengan kesakitan dalaman tu,impak yang dikenakan...aahh...sayu sekali mengenang liku hidup yang akan dilalui lipas tersebut...tapi spray xjumpe!...lipas tu lari dengan tangkas...
p/s : wahh...post tentang lipas yang tahee nye terkeluar!~....sweet!
Friday, November 26, 2010
just like gay
i live at kg kota,near to wcy and for Kelantanese, wcy is well known for the pasar malam cause it's still open till late at night and big?..i dunno...but what i really want to say here..it pretty scary if you walk alone to the pasar malam wcy even if there are a always a lot of people there..y?because from my observation, it looks like gay party..i'm sorry to say this...to all worker or penjual2 or "tok peraih"...you work really hard..i know that but please put your shirt on...you guys are everywhere...and without shirt and sagging pant!...man!pull your pant up!..angkut barang sana sini..i really and completely understand your work,it hot and tiring but i just can't take it, it pretty scary i guess everyone have the same feeling
- unsecured -
arghhh ...pleaseee
- unsecured -
arghhh ...pleaseee
Thursday, November 25, 2010
i seriously hate the smokers!...the fumes make me feel sick and i dont know...their attitude are also tak-boleh-blah!..cause some of them said "stop complaining if you dont like me smokin or you cant stand the smell go away then you dont have to smell"...respect others okay?!~..if you really want to smoke go far far away from others..not in public...i've been surrounded by the smokers and it so pissed me off..i cant go away from that place cause i have my purpose to sit there..ta paham..i choose to sit there at first place and you came next to me and smoke. luckily i always have my perfume in my bag..spray it in front of you..hamek kau~~~...tolong la paham!T_T
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
abah ade gout,kaki die bengkak,nak pakai sliper pun tak muat...da banyak hari da...
tak tau nak tolong macam mana...kena tolong abah berpantang..tak boleh makan ikot suke..aah~...nak jadi dr bley..(tau2..terlambat da..haha)..
hari tu mak beli banyak sangat buah dokong..abah tak boleh makan..nanti sakit..tambah2 hari tu abah cakap die rase mcm nak lelah..so lagi la tak boleh makan dokong...hari tu makan dokong sambil ngadap tv,abah tengok.."mintak sket.."...haha..."tanak kasik~"..(dalam hati-jangan tengok muka abah!jangan tengok muka abah!...nanti kesian..)...mak pun dah kena pancaran bersinar mata abah,mak bagi udang kat abah..esoknye bengkak trus kaki tu..hadoi~
pastu abah makan donut dengan roti...search2 hari tu pasal gout diet,tak boleh makan makanan yang high purine...tengok kat list tu yeast high purine...terlambat plak nk halang..huhu...
cek list makanan tak boleh dimakan :
anchovies, organ meat (brains, kidney, liver, sweetbreads), game meats, gravies, yeast, meat extracts, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops.
cek list yg digalakkan makan :
cherry, tomatoes, bananas...
"A balanced diet for gout sufferers includes foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, low in protein and low in fat."
susahla...banyak sangat makanan yang abah tak leh makan....
hari tu abah batuk,mak plak ade hal..abah suh belikan ubat batuk...nasib baek kakak ade,drive gi farmasi beli ubat batuk...tu la...da cakap..bagila saye drive..kalo kakak takde sape nak belikan?..........ahhh...rase sangat tak berguna...
tak tau nak tolong macam mana...kena tolong abah berpantang..tak boleh makan ikot suke..aah~...nak jadi dr bley..(tau2..terlambat da..haha)..
hari tu mak beli banyak sangat buah dokong..abah tak boleh makan..nanti sakit..tambah2 hari tu abah cakap die rase mcm nak lelah..so lagi la tak boleh makan dokong...hari tu makan dokong sambil ngadap tv,abah tengok.."mintak sket.."...haha..."tanak kasik~"..(dalam hati-jangan tengok muka abah!jangan tengok muka abah!...nanti kesian..)...mak pun dah kena pancaran bersinar mata abah,mak bagi udang kat abah..esoknye bengkak trus kaki tu..hadoi~
pastu abah makan donut dengan roti...search2 hari tu pasal gout diet,tak boleh makan makanan yang high purine...tengok kat list tu yeast high purine...terlambat plak nk halang..huhu...
cek list makanan tak boleh dimakan :
anchovies, organ meat (brains, kidney, liver, sweetbreads), game meats, gravies, yeast, meat extracts, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops.
cek list yg digalakkan makan :
cherry, tomatoes, bananas...
"A balanced diet for gout sufferers includes foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, low in protein and low in fat."
susahla...banyak sangat makanan yang abah tak leh makan....
hari tu abah batuk,mak plak ade hal..abah suh belikan ubat batuk...nasib baek kakak ade,drive gi farmasi beli ubat batuk...tu la...da cakap..bagila saye drive..kalo kakak takde sape nak belikan?..........ahhh...rase sangat tak berguna...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
tak thuke gigi bongsu!
aahhh....ya Allah..bengkak!orang cakap bila gigi bongsu dah nak tumbuh memang sakit sampai boleh demam...ingatkan ni bukan gigi bongsu sebab ingat gigi ni tumbuh mase remaja2 je...around 18-20..saye dah 21...haha...padahal gigi ni bleh tumbuh sampai umur 30 tahun...
gigi ni kalau bahasa 'tinggi2' orang panggil third molar atau gigi geraham ketiga..kite panggil bongsu sebab die tumbuh paaling ujung..yang jadi sakit sebab rahang pun takde tempat untuk gigi ni tumbuh,gigi ni nak tumbuh sangat pastu die push2,tolak2 gigi geraham yang duk sebelah die..kalau sakit sangat kena la cabot sama ada gigi bongsu ni ataupun kalo tak leh nak nolong cabot gigi geraham sebelah die tu..tapi dalam kes saye,rasenye tak de la seseries ni..
kadang2 ley jadik nafas berbau sebab gigi ni maen ikot suke die je nak tumbuh kat mane...ade yang ditutupi dengan gusi,so sisa2 makanan terkumpul kat situ..jadikla bau gusi err...bau bakteria...ntahla..tapi bau yang tak menyenangkan la..
saye pun risau takot nafas berbau time bercakap dengan orang...asyek2 check bau mulut..hehehe..naseb baek takde bau...and asyek2 tanye orang.."bau tak?bau tak?"..huhu..oh!~tade bau pape!~
tapi even rase bengkak yang amat sampai mulut tak ley nak tutup rapat...sye still berselera nak makan...hoo yeah!~~~
gigi ni kalau bahasa 'tinggi2' orang panggil third molar atau gigi geraham ketiga..kite panggil bongsu sebab die tumbuh paaling ujung..yang jadi sakit sebab rahang pun takde tempat untuk gigi ni tumbuh,gigi ni nak tumbuh sangat pastu die push2,tolak2 gigi geraham yang duk sebelah die..kalau sakit sangat kena la cabot sama ada gigi bongsu ni ataupun kalo tak leh nak nolong cabot gigi geraham sebelah die tu..tapi dalam kes saye,rasenye tak de la seseries ni..
kadang2 ley jadik nafas berbau sebab gigi ni maen ikot suke die je nak tumbuh kat mane...ade yang ditutupi dengan gusi,so sisa2 makanan terkumpul kat situ..jadikla bau gusi err...bau bakteria...ntahla..tapi bau yang tak menyenangkan la..
saye pun risau takot nafas berbau time bercakap dengan orang...asyek2 check bau mulut..hehehe..naseb baek takde bau...and asyek2 tanye orang.."bau tak?bau tak?"..huhu..oh!~tade bau pape!~
tapi even rase bengkak yang amat sampai mulut tak ley nak tutup rapat...sye still berselera nak makan...hoo yeah!~~~
Saturday, November 20, 2010
saya tak paham orang,orang pun tak paham saya.
nama saya saidah.saya budak pelik sebab saya selalu je bipolar mood..kadang2 happy kadang2 badmood...memang sangat bahaya..saya setuju kalo orang cakap saya macam tu sebab memang pun...hehe...nak ubah tapi bila dah terbuat baru teringat...maapkan daku...tapi yang ni cite lain...duk pikir2 bende ni sampai tertido sebab confuse...tak paham...sampai sekarang tak paham2...sejak duk jengka,jauh dari family,kebanyakan masa diluangkan bersama-sama member2..aku perasan yang aku suke buat kerja dengan cepat...especially bab kemas bilik..bergerak dengan pantas sapu sane sini kadang2 sampai berpeluh2 padahal sapu sampah kat bilik yang kecik tu je,pastu kalau ade sampah or tin2 minuman kosong yang semalam punye tapi tak buang2 pn disapu skali..tapi sye tak badmood...baek2 saje~...kalo nak basuh baju kat bawah pun pack2 baju dalam bakul siap2 pagi tu,bergerak dengan pantas cari sabun basuh,comfort dan semua bahan2 basuh mesin..semua dilakukan dengan pantas..tak suke lambat2 nanti orang cakap malas or lembab(sebab penah kene..huh!-time kat matrik aku sapu bilik pastu rumate aku trus rampas aku punye penyapu die cakap geram tengok aku sapu cam budak malas...hahaha)..memang seme bende nak siap cepat lah!..(save mase nak tido bwahaha...sampai kat umah pun aku terbawak2 perangai ni...sidai kaen cepat2..masak cepat2..lipat kaen cepat2 then distibute kaen tu kemas letak kat bilik tuan empunye baju tu pun cepat!saje bergerak aktif consider cam exercise..kat umah memang kompen tak buat so ganti dengan keje2 rumah...dengan kate laen memang aku da terikot ikot lah!...mak aku pun tak suke buang mase contohnye bile da janji nak g shopping same,aku da siap,mak plak tak siap lagi,kalo aku duk nonong tengok mak tangah siap kompem aku kene bebel..so baek aku wat ape yang patut,cam check dapo da tutp ke blom...pintu tingkap da tutup ke tak...iron...then bukak gate -oh...dgn cepat of course...aku akan jadi slow kalo aku tak larat sangat...kalo ngantuk speed die makin naek...hohoho..tapi yang pelik skang ni...orang cakap aku mengamuk or tak puas hati or buat keje dengan terpaksa or buat keje dalam keadaan mejuk dan sewaktu dengannya bila aku disuruh buat keje sebab aku buat keje cepat2 even kecepatan tu tak diperlukan...hurm2...aku tak tau nak cakap ape sebab mase tu kene marah,nada die menakutkan so baek aku diam je...aku paham,situasinye berbeza sebab tu die ingat aku memberontak...abah aku pun cakap aku buat keje memberontak...hurmm...mungkin diorang tak perasan yang ini style aku bekerja...kene ubah ea?...ok2...speed kurang sket..kadang2 manusia ade banyak perangai pelik..contoh family aku,abah aku suke siap awal2 kalo nak g mane2,kadang2 nak gi hantar aku kat stesen bas tu mmg awal gile..mak aku plak kalo terlanggar barang2 kat dapo mesti die marah,padahal bukannye slalu langgar,kadang2 mak pn penah langgar2 barang kat dapo...hehehehehe...akak aku plak,kalo borak ngan die time die tgh wat keje,mesti kene ulang 2 kali,sbb die mesti"huh?"...padahal die denga je pe yg kite borak td...hahahaha...aku plak...suke wat keje cepat2 sampai ramai yang terasa dengan perangai aku ni...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
jgn post...tlg jgn post!~
im not stand up something yg xbetul...im just giving up my opinion...then include.."huhuhu"..that means dont take it seriously..it just my opinion..and i will include..."kalo saye..."...and it does n0t mean, i dont accept anyone else opinion and says they are wrong and i am always right...masing2 ada opinion sndri...dan saya hanya nk meluahkan pendapat saya...kalau ada yang terasa dengan cara saya,saya minta maaf dan akan ubah maybe sesuai buat cara eunhyuk...last sentence.."awk tetap cantek"...hehehehehe....ok wat?!~...XDXDXD
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
love the one that u were not really close
an experiment secara xlangsung from sekolah rendah till now..bile da separate..yg tak rapat tu jadi saaanggaatt rapat...yg rapat tu ntah kemana ntah...xdengar berita pn...hmmm...
one day working at parkway!
i learn so many things...wrap the present,buat keychain,susun kotak,dapat kawan baru...gaji pn ok...best!sy tanak quit..but what can i do..when abah say no..it means no!...actually abah not really say no,but then when i see his condition...(abah ada gout sakit kaki susah nak jalan) i just accept whatever decision he made for me..tak sampai hati nk argue..i know it is for my own sake..my own safety(sbb balik keje malam2)..thou i need the money so badly,bukan saje2 nak keje,it does not mean that i could not gain money kalo duk rumah je...there are soo many things to do..boleh buat business kan?so i think of something...ingat nak buat brooch,headband,hairclip...i means crafty stuff...i can do that..(even ta penah buat tapi dulu2 penah jahet insang pari..pandai jgak la)..modal pn xbrape besa..hurmm...i do not know why i just worry about money..i just can ask a money from my sis,my abah...but i do not want that...i want to use my own money..i want to be independent...i want to drive a car...i want to be reliable..i want to learn something,doing all adult stuff by my own..i want to help people especially helping mak and abah..like buang sampah,tlg bayar roadtax,bill2..i'm 21 almost 22 (thn depan bulan 4 la) but still tak kenal dunia..the risk..seme2 tu...i need to know all that...please...i'm begging you..i'm not a kid..i'm old enough and it's time for me to take care of you..T.T..i just love you more than anything else,even risking my life....
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
da abes diploma!insyaAllah...
(mode : nk tulis blog pnjg2)
lame gle xupdate blog...final exam da abes tp result xjamin sgt...last paper,physic material science...xsusah sgt,tp susah jgakla..ntahla..hehe..insyaAllah with flying colors..lps exm trus bungkus barang dlm kotak nk post kat umah sbb nk g jln dlu b4 balik..hehe..k.mus n fiza teman g post kat skynet..last kuar jln2 kat bandar pusat jengka..(kot la)...pastu g kfc..last mkn2 ngn rumate..T.T...series sedih sgt...tp xtunjuk je...tough beb...hahaha..konon sgt...nk touching kene la sorang2...xmaen nk depan2..huhu...sy sayang awk2 seme!syg sgt2 smpai mati!series!tlg jgn lost contact sbb sy syg gle2 awk2 seme!~~~~..huhu...ok dah dah...ehem...

g kl naek metrobus..gerak skali ngan k.mus n fiza...syuk hantar g bandar jengka..naek bas kat sane...tq kwn2!~huhu...salam ngn diorg...haehh....sedey2~..naek bas sorang2...xrase pn lame sbb sy mmg suke tdo dlm bas..bgn2 je da nak sampai..hee..pastu tunggu kat stesen bas pekeliling...hanis n farid dtg amek tp lmbt sket sbb ade emergency..hanis bwk baby muiz...bdak comel n baek..hehe..tensen gle duk kat stesen bas dikelilingi perokok2..at last spray saje deodorant depan2 diorng...busuk seyh bau rokok kamoo!~...tunggu...wait...wait...lg....hanis sampai...then g amek syahidatul atiqah kat tmn melawati..pastu g makan,balik umah hanis....
malam tu g i-city
kul 9 baru gerak.mmg chanteq sgt2!~xpuas...kpd photographer,mesti xpuas duk situ amek2 gamba..huhu..kesian hanis kene drive mlm2...huhu..tq!~


yeayyyy....tentative hari ini -ice skating dan wall climbing!~
mmg lame gile da sgt2 nk wall climbing...suke2!~~~n mmg best!..xpuas hati sbb fail buat swing..len kali nk wat smpai dpt.hari tu penat sgt,tgn pn da gigil...ice skating pn fail...byk kali kot jatuh..hahaha...tp puas hati g jln...hehehe...tq hanis,adeq n farid...XD
(mode : nk tulis blog pnjg2)
lame gle xupdate blog...final exam da abes tp result xjamin sgt...last paper,physic material science...xsusah sgt,tp susah jgakla..ntahla..hehe..insyaAllah with flying colors..lps exm trus bungkus barang dlm kotak nk post kat umah sbb nk g jln dlu b4 balik..hehe..k.mus n fiza teman g post kat skynet..last kuar jln2 kat bandar pusat jengka..(kot la)...pastu g kfc..last mkn2 ngn rumate..T.T...series sedih sgt...tp xtunjuk je...tough beb...hahaha..konon sgt...nk touching kene la sorang2...xmaen nk depan2..huhu...sy sayang awk2 seme!syg sgt2 smpai mati!series!tlg jgn lost contact sbb sy syg gle2 awk2 seme!~~~~..huhu...ok dah dah...ehem...
g kl naek metrobus..gerak skali ngan k.mus n fiza...syuk hantar g bandar jengka..naek bas kat sane...tq kwn2!~huhu...salam ngn diorg...haehh....sedey2~..naek bas sorang2...xrase pn lame sbb sy mmg suke tdo dlm bas..bgn2 je da nak sampai..hee..pastu tunggu kat stesen bas pekeliling...hanis n farid dtg amek tp lmbt sket sbb ade emergency..hanis bwk baby muiz...bdak comel n baek..hehe..tensen gle duk kat stesen bas dikelilingi perokok2..at last spray saje deodorant depan2 diorng...busuk seyh bau rokok kamoo!~...tunggu...wait...wait...lg....hanis sampai...then g amek syahidatul atiqah kat tmn melawati..pastu g makan,balik umah hanis....
malam tu g i-city
kul 9 baru gerak.mmg chanteq sgt2!~xpuas...kpd photographer,mesti xpuas duk situ amek2 gamba..huhu..kesian hanis kene drive mlm2...huhu..tq!~
yeayyyy....tentative hari ini -ice skating dan wall climbing!~
mmg lame gile da sgt2 nk wall climbing...suke2!~~~n mmg best!..xpuas hati sbb fail buat swing..len kali nk wat smpai dpt.hari tu penat sgt,tgn pn da gigil...ice skating pn fail...byk kali kot jatuh..hahaha...tp puas hati g jln...hehehe...tq hanis,adeq n farid...XD
Sunday, October 10, 2010
kwn2 sy
sy syg mereka semua!~
syg sgt2!~~
terima kasih Allah sebab ketemukan kami...
sedih da nk abes diploma...semoga sentiasa kekal rapat mcm ni....heee
syg sgt2!~~
terima kasih Allah sebab ketemukan kami...
sedih da nk abes diploma...semoga sentiasa kekal rapat mcm ni....heee
Thursday, July 1, 2010
have to stay awake for 2 days straight!
1.buat cucur bawang/udang/carrot...watever la..mommy's fav..hehehehe
2.try a new recipe
3.jus timun untuk abah!
5.lap almari
7.kemas apa yang patut
-perlu buat pada waktu maalam..hehe
1.buat cucur bawang/udang/carrot...watever la..mommy's fav..hehehehe
2.try a new recipe
3.jus timun untuk abah!
5.lap almari
7.kemas apa yang patut
-perlu buat pada waktu maalam..hehe
good bye mok abah...
last day i was chatting with bff..honestly we really dont want to go back to jengka so damn much..malas nak packing, malas nak belajar and one thing we agree about is tak nak tinggalkan parents..sampai tak nak basuh kasut kat rumah,nak basuh kat kolej..[disgusting kan dari cuti awal2 tak basuh2..err..maksud saya,saya]
bff : xnk bazir mase basuh kasut kat rumah
me : wat precious things nak buat sampai tak sempat basuh kasut kat rumah?
bff : byk sgt...tgk tv..online puas2..game...
me : oohoo...ok3..preciousnye..haha
bff : tak de lah..nnt nk
kopek bawang banyak2,nanti aku takde kat rumah mak xyah susah2 kopek bwg kalo nk masak...
nk mskkn benang dalam jarum,nnt aku takde kat rumah mak xpayah sepet2kan mata nk mskkn benang..
nk kemaskan bilik,nnt aku xde,xde la mak tlg kemaskan bilik...
ok... u make me feel like i dont want to back..
i know im not helping you so much mak, abah...but i'll try my best..taking care of you..[even u still take care of me..]..
there's nothing i can do now..all i know is belajar betul2,pass with flying color, insyaAllah dapat sambung degree, work, n make u proud..but betol2 sekarang.."ya Allah, kasihani lah mok abah sebagaimana mereka mengasihaniku semasa aku kecil"..i just want u to be happy, n sacrifice everything just like wat u did to me when i was a baby till now...
bff : xnk bazir mase basuh kasut kat rumah
me : wat precious things nak buat sampai tak sempat basuh kasut kat rumah?
bff : byk sgt...tgk tv..online puas2..game...
me : oohoo...ok3..preciousnye..haha
bff : tak de lah..nnt nk
kopek bawang banyak2,nanti aku takde kat rumah mak xyah susah2 kopek bwg kalo nk masak...
nk mskkn benang dalam jarum,nnt aku takde kat rumah mak xpayah sepet2kan mata nk mskkn benang..
nk kemaskan bilik,nnt aku xde,xde la mak tlg kemaskan bilik...
ok... u make me feel like i dont want to back..
i know im not helping you so much mak, abah...but i'll try my best..taking care of you..[even u still take care of me..]..
there's nothing i can do now..all i know is belajar betul2,pass with flying color, insyaAllah dapat sambung degree, work, n make u proud..but betol2 sekarang.."ya Allah, kasihani lah mok abah sebagaimana mereka mengasihaniku semasa aku kecil"..i just want u to be happy, n sacrifice everything just like wat u did to me when i was a baby till now...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
happy father's day abah...
Daddy's Girl
When you were young, pony-tailed,
face full of playful freckles,
were you a daddy's girl?
I was. I still am.
Did you look to him for your security,
for love and attention,
for the understanding, and the patience you lacked
as a child?
My daddy was the center of my small world,
the focus of my affections,
the star that lit my life, shining bright.
Shining still in my heart.
The years have led me here,
weathered with maturity and responsibilities,
and I see more clearly now.
The hardships, burdens of love,
and all the small sacrifices he made for me,
for our family.
He created stability, a place to call home.
All the photographs I browse through
of a child long forgotten, scarcely remembered
smiling, so happy and so loved.
The mere thought of becoming that role model
is enough to send me cowering, afraid...
looking for guidance.
Turning to my father and my more for support,
advice, wise counsel, and for approval.
Grown up, I see differently now...
A new perspective of a man I have always known.
My heart is full, my emotions overpowering
just in the certainty of that bond.
He's been there for me through all the conflicts
helping me over the rough, ragged stones of growing up.
My respect for him is unending,
faith is unbound, and love is unquestioning.
Even in the midst of all my imperfections, he is lenient,
ignoring the pitfalls, the downfalls, the shortcomings,
he just accepted me as I was, as I am.
The sheer purity of it leaves me awe-struck
and it lifts me up, it holds my head a little higher,
it keeps me in balance,
harmonizing with the world around me
beautifully, like an inspired masterpiece from the soul
of an honest man.
I am honored to know him, to love him, to be of him.
He's my hero, and I am his daughter, his little girl.
When you were young, pony-tailed,
face full of playful freckles,
were you a daddy's girl?
I was. I still am.
Did you look to him for your security,
for love and attention,
for the understanding, and the patience you lacked
as a child?
My daddy was the center of my small world,
the focus of my affections,
the star that lit my life, shining bright.
Shining still in my heart.
The years have led me here,
weathered with maturity and responsibilities,
and I see more clearly now.
The hardships, burdens of love,
and all the small sacrifices he made for me,
for our family.
He created stability, a place to call home.
All the photographs I browse through
of a child long forgotten, scarcely remembered
smiling, so happy and so loved.
The mere thought of becoming that role model
is enough to send me cowering, afraid...
looking for guidance.
Turning to my father and my more for support,
advice, wise counsel, and for approval.
Grown up, I see differently now...
A new perspective of a man I have always known.
My heart is full, my emotions overpowering
just in the certainty of that bond.
He's been there for me through all the conflicts
helping me over the rough, ragged stones of growing up.
My respect for him is unending,
faith is unbound, and love is unquestioning.
Even in the midst of all my imperfections, he is lenient,
ignoring the pitfalls, the downfalls, the shortcomings,
he just accepted me as I was, as I am.
The sheer purity of it leaves me awe-struck
and it lifts me up, it holds my head a little higher,
it keeps me in balance,
harmonizing with the world around me
beautifully, like an inspired masterpiece from the soul
of an honest man.
I am honored to know him, to love him, to be of him.
He's my hero, and I am his daughter, his little girl.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
i miss you che'
i want to run far far away
just for a while but i don't know where to go..
my friends are busy and some of them are just like me..[can't drive..huhu]
where should i go..
suddenly i think of you che'..
if you still here..i can balik kampung and be with you..
i miss you...
just for a while but i don't know where to go..
my friends are busy and some of them are just like me..[can't drive..huhu]
where should i go..
suddenly i think of you che'..
if you still here..i can balik kampung and be with you..
i miss you...
im tired of pretending that i am strong
she may seem so perfect but behind it all..shes just an accident waiting to happen
this is where the hurting starts & the nightmare begins.
the girl who always looks sad but claims she’s fine.
the girl who puts sad away messages up everyday.
the girl who when she sees you, smiles a half a smile.
the girl who always has time to listen to you vent and is willing to give her opinion to help you in anyway that she can.
the girl who cares about helping everyone but herself.
the girl who cries every night before she goes to sleep.
the girl who pretends that she’s okay while she's dying inside.
the girl who hugs you when you’re down but secretly wishes she could hug you forever.
the girl who tries to look beautiful even though she knows she’s not.
the girl who says that she’ll always be there for you & means it.
that’s me that is the story of my life
You should know by now that when I smile and say "yeah, I'm fine" it's really code for "no I'm not okay and I feel like my world is crashing down around me"
this is where the hurting starts & the nightmare begins.
the girl who always looks sad but claims she’s fine.
the girl who puts sad away messages up everyday.
the girl who when she sees you, smiles a half a smile.
the girl who always has time to listen to you vent and is willing to give her opinion to help you in anyway that she can.
the girl who cares about helping everyone but herself.
the girl who cries every night before she goes to sleep.
the girl who pretends that she’s okay while she's dying inside.
the girl who hugs you when you’re down but secretly wishes she could hug you forever.
the girl who tries to look beautiful even though she knows she’s not.
the girl who says that she’ll always be there for you & means it.
that’s me that is the story of my life
You should know by now that when I smile and say "yeah, I'm fine" it's really code for "no I'm not okay and I feel like my world is crashing down around me"
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
stressed out
how to get over stressed out..
here's the tips..[haha...im stressed out and its not over yet..:p]
1.start talking..
for me, my friends are my support network,my parents too...but if i got prob with family i like to talk to my friends..haha~..i think they know me much better.Although it can be intimidating to talk about some issues, when i smother my problems inside, it automatically increase my stress level. When i get it out there, im lightening d load.
2.chill out
i can chill out...but just for a while 'coz it always haunting me..and plus, i got a 'supporter'..dats y i need to b alone!~..bring me positive aura please...negative not allowed..~
i can write a journal like this~,try to relax..[end up with sleeping..hahahaha]..but the point is..to make time for myself so i can connect to what i feel..
3.laugh a lot..
Laughing is a positive way to combat the negative effects of stress..
[aku selongkar gobok cari komik lame2 terjumpa shin chan..ouuyeahh..and try this...www.akiraceo.com..hehe]
laugh watever funny thing..even its not soo funny just laugh..hahahahahahahaha
i want to play badminton but i dont have a partner..i want to jog but same thing...i need a partner..
why all my friends got lot of work to do [practical la..part time la..-i almost get the part time job but i refuse it coz ...my parents need me..]
5.Deal with it.
It's the hardest but most effective piece of advice, which means sometimes i just gotta do it. Pinpoint what's causing d stress, and confront it. If you're unhappy with your relationship, for example, be honest with your partner. Or if you feel your parents' expectations are too high, level with them. The worst thing that can happen is an awkward conversation or even a fight, which, strangely enough, will be better for you then ignoring your needs.
now i deal with it...
and i need a time to recover..im afraid a cant..
here's the tips..[haha...im stressed out and its not over yet..:p]
1.start talking..
for me, my friends are my support network,my parents too...but if i got prob with family i like to talk to my friends..haha~..i think they know me much better.Although it can be intimidating to talk about some issues, when i smother my problems inside, it automatically increase my stress level. When i get it out there, im lightening d load.
2.chill out
i can chill out...but just for a while 'coz it always haunting me..and plus, i got a 'supporter'..dats y i need to b alone!~..bring me positive aura please...negative not allowed..~
i can write a journal like this~,try to relax..[end up with sleeping..hahahaha]..but the point is..to make time for myself so i can connect to what i feel..
3.laugh a lot..
Laughing is a positive way to combat the negative effects of stress..
[aku selongkar gobok cari komik lame2 terjumpa shin chan..ouuyeahh..and try this...www.akiraceo.com..hehe]
laugh watever funny thing..even its not soo funny just laugh..hahahahahahahaha
i want to play badminton but i dont have a partner..i want to jog but same thing...i need a partner..
why all my friends got lot of work to do [practical la..part time la..-i almost get the part time job but i refuse it coz ...my parents need me..]
5.Deal with it.
It's the hardest but most effective piece of advice, which means sometimes i just gotta do it. Pinpoint what's causing d stress, and confront it. If you're unhappy with your relationship, for example, be honest with your partner. Or if you feel your parents' expectations are too high, level with them. The worst thing that can happen is an awkward conversation or even a fight, which, strangely enough, will be better for you then ignoring your needs.
now i deal with it...
and i need a time to recover..im afraid a cant..
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
physic...wat is dat?
my name is sardin and i am 21 years old..study at uitm jengka,diploma in science and i choose physic instead of biology...i take modern physic and electronic.. in modern physic,i learn about nuclear, radioactive, atoms and so much more, but basically we had already learn about momentum, inertia, and others just like physic form 5 but much details..ok..wat i really want to write is..my father asked for a pen and paper..then he draw a tank and pipe inside it..i was like...'okey..there is a pipe in a tank..ahaa..and d position is like dat..ok..ahaa..'..then my father.." do u think dat if i put something rite over here[pointing at his drawing]..the force is still d same or i just make it worst?..kita ada masalah karat sekarang..im thinking d way to reduce it..".."ohoOo..just buy a filter then..ahaha..".."no no no..there's another way.."..dats y i luv him..he ask me about physic!..adeii..[actually..i dont really know how to answer his question..hahaha]
Monday, June 14, 2010
i dont know why i cant wait 4 d explanation...[y do i care so much]..so..out of my list..[perasan yg aku ade dlm list dowg..haha]..here come my fav - i love my brother and my sister in law soo much..[this statement never come out i guess this is a hot statement..haha]...i luv them...i luv everyone who take care of my parents and this is not about money..money cant buy luv rite..hulurkan tangan ringankan beban...hehehe...another one..berat mata memandang berat lg bahu memikul..lg2...saya malas awak lagi malas!~
i need your explanation so that i will not hate you..arghhh..sometime i would like to live on my own..having a great parents,a lots of friends,friends that i trust and always be on my side when i need them..its not like we [friends] never have a problem in our relationship..we do argue a lots, cry, missunderstood, but then it will end up with a hug, and we could understand each other much much more..they even change me being a better person..they know me better than anyone else..they are great,they are nice to people who with me..if something wrong, we'll tall,so i know wat i did wrong..i love them soo much and cant live without my friends..how i wish u n me could b like that..i cant just pretend nothing happened.. i think u did wrong bcoz of dat i really need an explanation or i dont want to see you again, i dont care if we;re not talking...as long as u tell me wat happened.
Friday, January 8, 2010
happy 58th birthday to wan safinah..my luvly mother
dear mother..i miss u so much that i cried everytime i think of u, feels so happy when hear u talking, even more happy when i can see ur beautiful smile, i'm happy if u happy n i'll be strong to support u if u down,,mother, i miss u so much that i can't wait 4 another day to see ur face.. i will bring my biggest success t.. n make u proud.. luv u 4ever n ever!
rindu mok......nk balikkk.....T.T
rindu mok......nk balikkk.....T.T
Friday, January 1, 2010
just think
better than lose 1 thing than lose everything...
hope this work..no need to make a choice..just do the right thing..for everybody..gud luck!..luv ya..=)
hope this work..no need to make a choice..just do the right thing..for everybody..gud luck!..luv ya..=)
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