this morning...i thought i want to cancel out my plan to hang out with my old friends cause i really want to help the house chores, become a baby sitter, and try to do everything i can..but then i 'DONT' know why n how can i think dat nobody needs me cause im definitely a useless and nobody dare to rely on 4 only 2 minute..of course i want to go out!obviously they think im dumb, im a 10-year-old girl so nothing i can do to help here..yeap..must go out!~-
[dats explain why i got flu, my eyes suddenly got 'infection' and i smells evil..hurmm ]
rock n roll..
shopping againn....
and......the climax was..
there was an accident at the mall where we were hang out..just like a movie..everybody ran to the exit door with panic..i thought that..mayb fire?..or....BOMB????...[OK..mayb it was too much..]..or cud it be amok?...then,when we were out, we're still running to parking lot and get into the car..long story short...we're safe..alhamdulillah...
this is actually wat happen..

menakotkan dan tbe2 menginsafkan..
pukul 5 dan aku xsmayang asar lg..astasghfirullahalazim...ya Allah..ape aku dah buat...
something happen kat umah..cume aku simpan ketidakpuasan hati sorg2..sbb tu aku dcide nk hang out xnk duk umah...kalo aku meninggal mase tu...mokabah...maaf...kuden pn..dan kawan2ku jua..maaf..[aku tipu aku selesema...just want to hide the problemo dat i think i shud keep it ..-still hav to zip it in here- bkn memperguna utk aku melarikan diri from a personal problemo..i hav a great day ngan kamoo2 semua..terima kaseh ye...hurmm...ape2 pn..maaf dipinta]
i need to keep thinking as positive as i can....for any condition....i regret and really thanks to Allah..
-i died 3 injured-
xleh nk kato gapo pasa mring.
sero supo movie the day after tomorrow lari blako tubek.
kalo aku tau bkn runtuhan aku g tgk kot..
tu ar.
aku gi lari masuk smula, slamat ore hok sakit tu.
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